Recently, Prof Li Liu and Prof Jichuan Zhang have published a paper titled “Proposal and verification of thermal-conductive model of polymer nanocomposites” on Composites Part B: Engineering (Compos. Part B-Eng., 2022, 242, 110033).

Thermal-conductive polymer nanocomposites have developed rapidly due to their extensive application in many fields. However, most of the models used to analyze and predict the thermal conductivity of composites have some shortcomings. Based on the derivation process of the classic Agari model, namely the parallel model and series model, herein we first propose a new thermal-conductive model (Parallel-Series model, P–S model). Then, we use the data reported in public for verification, including our previous work and others’ research, and almost all of the degrees of fit (R2) are more than 0.95. Meanwhile, the deviations between the thermal conductivity obtained by the experiment and the P–S model are less than 4%. The results show that the new P–S thermal-conductive model can be used to predict and analyze thermal conductivity, indicating that this work can provide guidance for the preparation and fabrication of thermal-conductive nanocomposites.