1. 生物基弹性体的设计、合成与性能研究
2. 静电纺丝技术的应用及静电纺丝三维电纺气凝胶的改性
3. 生物基环保橡胶助剂的开发
本人以第一作者和通讯作者身份发表高水平SCI论文13篇,包括Macromolecules, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering等国际权威期刊,已授权专利两项,参考编写论著两本。目前承担北京化工大学人才启动基金一项,国家青年基金一项。
1. Xuan Qin, Yong He, Shafilluah Khan, Baihui Zhang, Fanxing Chen, Dong Dong, Zhao Wang,* Liqun Zhang. Controllable synthesis and characterization of soybean-oil-based hyperbranched polymers via one-pot method. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6 (10), 12865–12871.
2.Zhao Wang, Rajesh Sahadevan, Todd J. Menkhaus, Hao Fong, Jiaxing Huang. Graphene oxide as an effective barrier on PAN porous nanofiber membranes. Nanotechnology, DOI:10.1088/1361-6528/aa7ba9.
3. Zhao Wang, Caitlin Crandall, Vicki L. Prautzsch, Rajesh Sahadevan, Todd J. Menkhaus, Hao Fong. Electrospun regenerated cellulose nanofiber membranes surface-grafted with water-insoluble poly(HEMA) or water-soluble poly(AAS) chains via the ATRP method for ultrafiltration of water. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(4), 4272–4278.
4. Zhao Wang, Caitlin Crandall, Rajesh Sahadevan, Todd J. Menkhaus, Hao Fong. Microfiltration performance of electrospun nanofiber membranes with varied fiber diameters and different membrane porosities and thicknesses. Polymer, 2017, 114, 64–72.
5. Zhao Wang, Xing Zhang, Liqun Zhang, Tianwei Tan, Hao Fong. Nonisocyanate biobased poly(ester urethanes) with tunable properties synthesized via an environment-friendly route. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4(5), 2762–2770.
6. Zhao Wang, Yunhu Peng, Liqun Zhang, Yong Zhao, Roman Vyzhimov, Tianwei Tan, Hao Fong. Investigation of palm oil as green plasticizer on the processing and mechanical properties of ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55 (10), 2784–2789.
7. Shafiullah Khan, Zhao Wang,* Runguo Wang, Liqun Zhang*. Synthesis and structure design of new bio-based elastomers via thiol-ene-click reactions. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 2016, 67, 554–560.
8. Zhao Wang, Tao Wei, Xiao Xue, Miaomiao He, Jiajia Xue, Meng Song, Sizhu Wu, Hailan Kang, Liqun Zhang, Qingxiu Jia. Synthesis of fully bio-based polyamides with tunable properties by employing itaconic acid. Polymer, 2014, 55, 4846–4856.
9. Zhao Wang, Yue Han, Zhaohui Huang, Xing Zhang, Liqun Zhang, Yonglai Lu, Tianwei Tan. Plasticization effect of hydrogenated transgenic soybean oil on nitrile-butadiene rubber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131 (16), 40643.
10. Zhao Wang, Yue Han, Xing Zhang, Zhaohui Huang, Liqun Zhang. Plasticization effect of transgenic soybean oil. I. on ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM), as substitute for paraffin oil. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(6), 4457–4463.
11. Zhao Wang, Xing Zhang, Runguo Wang, Hailan Kang, Jun Ma, Liqun Zhang, Hao Wang. Synthesis and characterization of novel soybean-oil-based elastomers with favorable processability and tunable properties. Macromolecules, 2012, 45(22), 9010−9019.