邮箱: jiajiaxue@mail.buct.edu.cn
2010–2015 | 北京化工大学 |
| 工学博士,材料科学与工程学院 |
2006–2010 | 北京化工大学 |
| 学士,材料科学与工程学院
2019-至今 | 教授,北京化工大学 研究领域:生物医用材料及组织工程支架的制备、构筑与性能研究,用于药物控释放、光热治疗、神经再生、骨软骨再生及创伤修复等组织工程及再生医学领域 |
2015-2019 | 博士后,佐治亚理工学院 导师:夏幼南教授 研究方向:多功能神经导管用于外周神经缺损的修复,相变材料用于可控药物释放以促进细胞迁移及神经再生 |
2010–2015 | 博士研究生,北京化工大学 导师:张立群教授 博士论文题目:基于明胶的生物基弹性体及纤维膜材料的制备与性能研究 |
2010 | 本科生,北京化工大学 导师:张立群教授 研究方向:基于明胶的生物弹性体及纳米复合材料的制备与性能研究 |
北京化工大学优秀博士论文 | 2015 |
北京化工大学优秀博士毕业生 | 2015 |
国家奖学金 | 2014 |
北京化工大学优秀研究生干部 | 2014 |
北京化工大学优秀研究生 | 2013 |
北京化工大学优秀研究生 | 2012 |
北京化工大学优秀研究生 | 2010 |
北京市三好学生 | 2010 |
Materials Research Society | 2019-2020 |
Society for Biomaterials | 2019-2020 |
Chinese Association for Biomaterials | 2020-2021 |
Chinese Society for Cell Biology | 2020-2023 |
Chinese Chemical Society | 2021-2024 |
43.Jiajia Xue, Tong Wu, Jichuan Qiu, and Younan Xia, “Spatiotemporally controlling the release of biological effectors enhances their effects on cell migration and neurite outgrowth,” Small Methods, 2020, 4,2000125.
42. Jingjing Ye, Xindan Zhang, Wenqi Xie, Min Gong, Meihong Liao, Qinghan Meng, Jiajia Xue,* Rui Shi,* and Liqun Zhang*, “An enzyme-responsive prodrug with inflammation-triggered therapeutic drug release characteristics,” Macromolecular Bioscience2020, 20, 2000116.
41. Jiajia Xue, Tong Wu, Jichuan Qiu, Sarah Rutledge, Michael L. Tanes, and Younan Xia, “Promoting cell migration and neurite extension along uniaxially aligned nanofibers with biomacromolecular particles in a density gradient,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2002031.
40. Jiajia Xue, Dario Pisignano,* and Younan Xia*, “Maneuvering the migration and differentiation of stem cells with electrospun nanofibers,” Advanced Science, 2020, 7, 2000735.
39. Anthony Donsante,+* Jiajia Xue,+ Kelly M. Poth, Nathan S. Hardcastle, Bruna Diniz, Deirdre M. O’Connor, Younan Xia,* and Nicholas M. Boulis *, “Controlling the release of neurotrophin-3 and chondroitinase ABC enhances the efficacy of nerve guidance conduits,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2020, 9, 2000200. (+equal contribution)
38. Tong Wu, Jiajia Xue, and Younan Xia*, “Engraving the surface of electrospun microfibers with nanoscale grooves promotes the outgrowth of neurites and the migration of Schwann cells,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2020, 59, 15626.
37. Chunxu Li, Dario Pisignano, Yu Zhao,* and Jiajia Xue,* “Advances in medical applications of additive manufacturing,” Engineering, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.02.018.
36. Haoxuan Li, Tong Wu, Jiajia Xue, Qinfei Ke, Younan Xia, “Transforming nanofiber mats into hierarchical scaffolds with graded changes in porosity and/or nanofiber alignment,” Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2020, 41, 1900579.
35. Jiajia Xue,+ Tong Wu,+ Yunqian Dai,+ and Younan Xia, “Electrospun nanofibers: Methods, materials, and applications,” Chemical Reviews, 2019, 119, 5298–5415. (+equal contribution) ESI高被引论文
34. Jiajia Xue, Tong Wu, Jianhua Li, Chunlei Zhu, and Younan Xia, “Promoting the outgrowth of neurites on electrospun microfibers by functionalization with electrosprayed microparticles of fatty acids,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 3948–3951.
33. B. Streeter,+Jiajia Xue,+ Younan Xia, and Michael E. Davis, “Electrospun nanofiber-based patches for the delivery of cardiac progenitor cells,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2019, 11, 18242–18253. (+equal contribution)
32. Rui Shi, Jingjing Ye,Weiyang Li, Jingshuang Zhang, Jie Li, Chengai Wu, Jiajia Xue,* and Liqun Zhang,* “Infection-responsive electrospun nanofiber mat for antibacterial guided tissue regeneration membrane,” Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2019, 100, 523–534.
31. Haoxuan Li, Tong Wu, Jiajia Xue, Qinfei Ke, and Younan Xia, “Transforming nanofiber mats into hierarchical scaffolds with graded changes in porosity and/or nanofiber alignment,” Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2019, doi.org/10.1002/marc.201900579.
30. Tong Wu, Haoxuan Li, Jiajia Xue, Xiumei Mo, and Younan Xia, “Photothermal welding, melting, and patterned expansion of nonwoven mats of polymer nanofibers for biomedical and printing applications,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 16568-16573.
29. Jichuan Qiu, Da Huo, Jiajia Xue, Guanghui Zhu, Hong Liu, and Younan Xia, “Encapsulation of a phase-change material in nanocapsules with a well-defined hole in the wall for the controlled release of drugs,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58, 3948–3951.
28. Kevin Schilling, Mirna El Khatib, Shane Plunkett, Jiajia Xue, Younan Xia, Sergei A. Vinogradov, Edward Brown, and Xinping Zhang, “Electrospun fiber mesh for high-resolution measurements of oxygen tension in cranial bone defect repair,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 33548-33558.
27. Jiajia Xue, Chunlei Zhu, Jianhua Li, Haoxuan Li, and Younan Xia, “Integration of phase-change materials with electrospun fibers for promoting neurite outgrowth under controlled release,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1705563.
26. Tong Wu,+Jiajia Xue,+ Haoxuan Li, Chunlei Zhu, Xiumei Mo, and Younan Xia, “General method for generating circular gradients of active proteins on nanofiber scaffolds sought for wound closure and related applications,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 8536–8545. (+equal contribution)
25. Jiajia Xue, Tong Wu, and Younan Xia, “Perspective: Aligned arrays of electrospun nanofibers for directing cell migration,” APL Materials, 2018,6, 120902 (invited perspective article). (It was highlighted on the front cover.)
24. Jiajia Xue, Haoxuan Li, and Younan Xia, “Nanofiber-based multi-tubular conduits with a honeycomb structure for potential application in peripheral nerve repair,” Macromolecular Bioscience, 2018, 18, 1800090.
23. Qiaoshan Chen, Chunlei Zhu, Da Huo, Jiajia Xue, Haoyan Cheng, Baohong Guan, and Younan Xia, “Continuous processing of phase-change materials into uniform nanoparticles for near-infrared-triggered drug release,” Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 22312–22318.
22. Jiajia Xue, Jingwei Xie, Wenying Liu, and Younan Xia, “Electrospun nanofibers: New concepts, materials, and applications,” Accounts of Chemical Research, 2017, 50, 1976–1987. ESI高被引论文
21. Jiajia Xue, Junyu Yang, Deirdre M O’Connor, Chunlei Zhu, Da Huo, Nicholas M Boulis, and Younan Xia, “Differentiation of bone marrow stem cells into Schwann cells for the promotion of neurite outgrowth on electrospun fibers,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 12299–12310.
20. Michael L Tanes, Jiajia Xue, and Younan Xia, “A general strategy for generating gradients of bioactive proteins on electrospun nanofiber mats by masking with bovine serum albumin,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5, 5580–5587.
19. Haoxuan Li, Chunlei Zhu, Jiajia Xue, Qinfei Ke, and Younan Xia, “Enhancing the mechanical properties of electrospun nanofiber mats through controllable welding at the cross points,” Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2017, 38,1600723.
18. Chunlei Zhu, Da Huo, Qiaoshan Chen, Jiajia Xue, Song Shen, and Younan Xia, “A eutectic mixture of natural fatty acids can serve as the gating material for near-infrared-triggered drug release,” Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1703702.
17. Chunlei Zhu, Pallab Pradhan, Da Huo, Jiajia Xue, Song Shen, Krishnendu Roy, and Younan Xia, “Reconstitution of low density lipoproteins with fatty acids for the targeted delivery of drugs into cancer cells,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56, 10399–10402.
16. Song Shen, Chunlei Zhu, Da Huo, Miaoxin Yang, Jiajia Xue, and Younan Xia, “A hybrid nanomaterial for the controlled generation of free radicals and oxidative destruction of hypoxic cancer cells,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 129, 8927–8930. (It was selected as a hot paper and highlighted on the back cover.)
15. Chunlei Zhu, Jiajia Xue, Kyle D Gilroy, Da Huo, Song Shen, and Younan Xia, “Micropatterned polymer nanorod forests and their use for dual drug loading and regulation of cell adhesion,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 34194–34197.
14. Yunqian Dai, Eric Formo, Haoxuan Li, Jiajia Xue, and Younan Xia, “Surface-functionalized electrospun titania nanofibers for the scavenging and recycling of precious metal ions,” ChemSusChem, 2016, 9, 2912–2916.
13. Jianhua Li, Miaoxin Yang, Xiaojun Sun, Xuan Yang, Jiajia Xue, Chunlei Zhu, Hong Liu, and Younan Xia, “Micropatterning of the ferroelectric phase in a poly(vinylidene difluoride) film by plasmonic heating with gold nanocages,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 128, 14032–14036. (It was highlighted on the back cover.)
12. Qinrong Sun, Haiquan Zhang, Jiajia Xue, Xiaoping Yu, Yanping Yuan, and Xiaoling Cao, “Flexible phase change materials for thermal storage and temperature control,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 353, 920–929.
11. Jiajia Xue, Yuzhao Niu, Min Gong, Rui Shi, Dafu Chen, Liqun Zhang, and Yuri Lvov, “Electrospun microfiber membranes embedded with drug-loaded clay nanotubes for sustained antimicrobial protection,” ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 1600–1612.
10. Jiajia Xue, Rui Shi, Yuzhao Niu, Min Gong, Phil Coates, Aileen Crawford, Dafu Chen, Wei Tian, and Liqun Zhang, “Fabrication of drug-loaded anti-infective guided tissue regeneration membrane with adjustable biodegradation property,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2015, 135, 846–854.
9. Rui Shi,+Jiajia Xue,+ Hanbin Wang, Renxian Wang, Min Gong, Dafu Chen, Liqun Zhang, and Wei Tian, “Fabrication and evaluation of a homogeneous electrospun PCL–gelatin hybrid membrane as an anti-adhesion barrier for craniectomy,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 4063–4073. (+equal contribution)
8. Min He, Jiajia Xue, Huan Geng, Hao Gu, Dafu Chen, Rui Shi, and Liqun Zhang, “Fibrous guided tissue regeneration membrane loaded with anti-inflammatory agent prepared by coaxial electrospinning for the purpose of controlled release,” Applied Surface Science, 2015, 335, 121–129.
7. Jiajia Xue, Min He, Hao Liu, Yuzhao Niu, Aileen Crawford, Phil D Coates, Dafu Chen, Rui Shi, and Liqun Zhang, “Drug loaded homogeneous electrospun PCL/gelatin hybrid nanofiber structures for anti-infective tissue regeneration membranes,” Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 9395–9405.
6. Jiajia Xue, Min He, Yuanzhe Liang, Aileen Crawford, Phil Coates, Dafu Chen, Rui Shi, and Liqun Zhang, “Fabrication and evaluation of electrospun PCL–gelatin micro-/nanofiber membranes for anti-infective GTR implants,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014, 2, 6867–6877.
5. Jiajia Xue, Min He, Yuzhao Niu, Hao Liu, Aileen Crawford, Phil Coates, Dafu Chen, Rui Shi, and Liqun Zhang, “Preparation and in vivo efficient anti-infection property of GTR/GBR implant made by metronidazole loaded electrospun polycaprolactone nanofiber membrane,” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014, 475, 566–577.
4. Rui Shi, Jiajia Xue, Min He, Dafu Chen, Liqun Zhang, and Wei Tian, “Structure, physical properties, biocompatibility and in vitro/vivo degradation behavior of anti-infective polycaprolactone-based electrospun membranes for guided tissue/bone regeneration,” Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2014, 109, 293–306.
3. Hailan Kang, Xue Li, Jiajia Xue, Liqun Zhang, Li Liu, Riwei Xu, and Baochun Guo, “Preparation and characterization of high strength and noncytotoxic bioelastomers containing isosorbide,” RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 19462–19471.
2. Hailan Kang, Manqiang Li, Zhenghai Tang, Jiajia Xue, Xiaoran Hu, Liqun Zhang, and Baochun Guo, “Synthesis and characterization of biobased isosorbide-containing copolyesters as shape memory polymers for biomedical applications,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014, 2, 7877–7886.
1. Zhao Wang, Tao Wei, Xiao Xue, Miaomiao He, Jiajia Xue, Meng Song, Sizhu Wu, Hailan Kang, Liqun Zhang, and Qingxiu Jia, “Synthesis of fully bio-based polyamides with tunable properties by employing itaconic acid,” Polymer, 2014, 55, 4846–4856.
3. Mingyu Tang, Suting Liu, Zhihui Li, Liqun Zhang, Yunqian Dai,* Jiajia Xue,* “Special techniques and advanced structures” in Metal oxide-based nanofibers and their applications, Elsevier, 2021, in press.
2. Jiajia Xue, “Nanomaterials Design and Tests for Neural Tissue Engineering”, in Theranostic Bionanomaterials (Eds.: Wenguo Cui and Xin Zhao), Elsevier, 2018.
1. Liqun Zhang and Jiajia Xue, “Rubber functionalized with halloysite loaded with antioxidants and antibacterials”, in Functional Polymer Composites with Nanoclays (Eds.:Yuri Lvov, Baochun Guo, and Rawil F Fakhrullin), RSC, Cambridge, 2016, pp. 301–328.
5. 张立群,薛佳佳,牛玉昭,“明胶基弹性体生胶、明胶基弹性体纳米复合材料及两者的制备方法,” CN201510065398。
4. 张立群,薛佳佳,宫敏,石锐,田伟,陈大福,“含有埃洛石纳米管载药型引导组织再生膜及其制备方法,” CN201410692643。
3. 石锐,田伟,张立群,薛佳佳,陈大福,“单层及双层聚己内酯基引导组织再生膜及其制备方法,” CN201310745877。
2. 张立群,牛玉昭,薛佳佳,廖美红,“含有埃洛石纳米管载药型弹性体创伤敷料及其制备方法,” ZL201510366367。
1. 张立群,薛佳佳,石锐,田伟,陈大福,“载药型引导组织再生膜及其制备方法,” ZL201310745878。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021.01–2024.12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2021.01–2023.12,主持
3. 北京市自然科学基金重点项目,2020.10–2024.10,课题主持
12. Jiajia Xue,“中国生物物理学会材料生物学与智能诊疗技术分会青年学者年会暨2020年生物医用材料与技术交叉青年论坛”,宁波,2020年12月,受邀做口头报告。
11. Jiajia Xue,“2020海峡两岸暨港澳生物材料与组织再生青年科学家学术会议(Biomaterials2020)”,东华大学,上海,2020年11月,受邀做口头报告。
10. Jiajia Xue,“武汉市显微外科临床医学研究中心学科交流研讨会”,湖北省武汉市,武汉大学,2019年11月,受邀做口头报告。
9. Jiajia Xue,“北京化工大学青年学者与国家纳米中心青年创新促进会交流会”,北京化工大学,北京,2019年11月,受邀做口头报告。
8. Jiajia Xue and Younan Xia, “Electrospun Nanofibers for Peripheral Nerve Repair,” The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2019 Annual Meeting, 美国德克萨斯州,2019年3月,口头报告。
7. Jiajia Xue and Younan Xia, “Integration of Nanofiber-Based Conduits with Bone Marrow Stem Cells for Potential Application in Neural Tissue Engineering,” 2018 MRS Fall Meeting, Oral Presentation and Poster Exhibition, 美国马萨诸塞州,2018年11月,海报展示和口头报告。
6. Jiajia Xue, Chunlei Zhu, Jianhua Li, and Younan Xia, “Integration of Phase-change materials with electrospun fibers for promoting neurite outgrowth under controlled release,” Society for Biomaterials 2018 Annual Meeting, 美国佐治亚州,2018年4月,海报展示和口头报告。
5. Jiajia Xue, Rui Shi, Yuri Lvov, and Liqun Zhang, “Electrospun Nanofiber Membranes for Sustained and Controlled Drug Delivery,” TERMIS-AM Conference, 美国华盛顿特区,2014年12月,海报展示。
4. Jiajia Xue, Rui Shi, and Liqun Zhang, “Drug loaded electrospun hybrid nanofiber structures for anti-infective tissue regeneration membranes,” UK China AMRI 6th Research Workshop: Advanced Materials for Healthcare, 北京市,2014年3月,海报展示。
3. Jiajia Xue, Min He, Rui Shi, and Liqun Zhang, “Drug Loaded Homogeneous Electrospun PCL/gelatin Hybrid Nanofiber Structures for Anti-infective Tissue Regeneration Membranes,” 6th International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy, 阿联酋迪拜,2014年2月,海报展示。
2. Jiajia Xue, Rui Shi, and Liqun Zhang, “Antibacterial, in vitro/vivo Biocompatibility and Biodegradability of PCL-based Electrospun Fibers,” The Third Conference on Quality Control of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Products (QCBTEP) Adjunct to TERMIS-AP 2013 Annual Meeting. 浙江省乌镇,2013年10月,海报展示。
1. Jiajia Xue and Liqun Zhang, “Preparation and Properties of Gelatin-based Bio-elastomers,” RCUK Bradford Science Bridges China/EPSRC Global Engagements Research Workshop, 四川省成都市,2013年3月,口头报告。