邮箱: qinxuan@mail.buct.edu.cn
2009.09-2013.06 北京化工大学材料科学与工程本科
2013.09-2018.09 北京化工大学材料科学与工程硕博连读(导师:张立群教授)
2018-2019 北京化工大学博士后(合作导师:谭天伟院士)
2019-2020 Carnegie Mellon University访问学者(合作导师: Krzysztof Matyjaszewski院士)
1 新型自组装纳米结构弹性体材料的分子设计、聚集态结构与性能研究及其规模化制备和产业应用
2 生物基热塑性聚氨酯弹性体的结构与性能研究
3 新型原子转移自由基聚合方法制备的高填充和高分散橡胶纳米复合材料的分子设计与性能的研究
1. Xuan Qin, Jiadong Wang, Yanli Zhang, Zhao Wang, Sai Li, Shaoquan Zhao, Tianwei Tan, Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang, and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski. Self-Assembly Strategy for Double Network Elastomer Nanocomposites with Ultralow Energy Consumption and Ultrahigh Wear Resistance. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2003429. (IF 16.836 Cover story)
2. Xuan Qin, Bingyong Han, Jianmin Lu, Zhao Wang, Jun Liu, Tom P. Russell, Liqun Zhang. Rational Design of Advanced Elastomer Nanocomposites Towards Extremely Energy-saving Tires Based on Macromolecular Assembly Strategy. Nano Energy, 2018, 6(48):180-188. (IF 16.602 Cover story)
3. Xuan Qin, Haoshu Xu, Ganggang Zhang, Jiadong Wang, Zhao Wang, Yuqi Zhao, Zongyu Wang*, Tianwei Tan, Michael R. Bockstaller, Liqun Zhang, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski*. Enhancing Performance of Rubber with Nano ZnO as Activators. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2020, 12(42),48007-48015. (IF 8.758)
4. Jiadong Wang, Xiaowen Zhang, Yingxue Liu, Chenxin Xu, Hao Zhang, Daming Wu, Tianwei Tan, Xuan Qin*, Jingyao Sun*, Liqun Zhang*. Preparation of flexible and elastic thermal conductive nanocomposites via ultrasonic-assisted forced infiltration. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2021, 202, 108582. (IF 7.094)
5. Xuan Qin, Yong He, Shafilluah Khan, Baihui Zhang, Fanxing Chen, Dong Dong, Zhao Wang, Liqun Zhang. Controllable Synthesis and Characterization of Soybean-Oil-Based Hyperbranched Polymers via One-Pot Method. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018, 6 (10):12865-12871. (IF 7.632)
6. Shikai Hu, Tao Shou, Xiuying Zhao, Zhao wang, Shijia Zhang, Xuan Qin*, Mingming Guo*, Liqun Zhang*. Rational design of a novel NDI-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer with superior heat resistance. Polymer 2020,205,122764. (IF 4.231)
7. Xuan Qin, Jiadong Wang, Bingyong Han, Bo Wang, Lixin Mao, Liqun Zhang. Novel Design of Eco-friendly Super Elastomer Materials with Optimized Hard Segments Micro-structure: Towards Next-generation High-performance Tires. Frontiers in Chemistry. Frontiers in Chem., 2018, 7 (6), 240. (IF 3.693)
8. Shikai Hu, Tao Shou, Mingming Guo, Runguo Wang, Jun Wang, Hongchi Tian, Xuan Qin*, Xiuying Zhao*, and Liqun Zhang*. Fabrication of New Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with High Heat Resistance for 3D Printing Derived from 3,3-Dimethyl-4,4-diphenyl Diisocyanate. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 10476-10482. (IF 3.573)
9. 参编《橡胶纳米复合材料:基础与应用》化学工业出版社 ISBN 978-7-122-33424-4 (2018)
1. Liqun Zhang; Xuan Qin; Bingyong Han; Lixin Mao; Xiaohui Wu; Jun Liu; Ning Zhang; Dong Dong. Solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber-polyurethane elastomeric material for high performance tire and preparation method therefor. US16197073; JP2019514157; KR10-2018-7033816.
2. 张立群;秦璇;卢咏来;程仕华;毛立新;韩丙勇. 一种热塑性溶聚丁苯橡胶-聚氨酯弹性体材料及制备方法. ZL201710805708.8
3. 张立群;秦璇;韩丙勇;毛立新;吴晓辉;刘军;张宁;董栋. 一种高性能轮胎用溶聚丁苯橡胶-聚氨酯弹性体材料及制备方法. ZL201610348007.1
4. 张立群;秦璇;韩丙勇;毛立新;吴晓辉;刘军;张宁;董栋. 一种具有超低滚动阻力的丁二烯橡胶-聚氨酯弹性体材料及制备方法. ZL201810443374.9
5. 卢咏来;张立群;秦璇;王军军;邹华;冯予星;伍社毛;赵素合. 一种用于实心力车轮胎的高抗湿滑弹性体纳米复合材料及制备方法. ZL201710805723.2
6. 卢咏来;张立群;秦璇;王军军;邹华;冯予星;伍社毛;赵素合;程仕华. 一种高抗湿滑弹性体纳米复合材料及制备方法. 201710806510.1
1. Liqun Zhang; Xuan Qin; Bingyong Han; Lixin Mao; Xiaohui Wu; Jun Liu; Ning Zhang; Dong Dong. Elastomer material of butadiene rubber-polyurethane with ultra-low rolling resistance and preparation method thereof. WIPO PCT/CN2018/086538
2. 张立群;熊志星;秦璇;邹华. 一种耐低温耐油的热塑性硅橡胶-聚氨酯弹性体及制备方法. 201911313395.X
3. 张立群;程仕华;秦璇;赵永凯;付思伟;毛立新;鲁建民. 一种**能度端羟基聚丁二烯及其制备方法. 201911290351.X
4. 秦璇;张立群;王朝;徐昊舒;王嘉栋;邵进. 一种纳米氧化锌、制备方法、母胶及胎面胶. 202010860644.3