吴丝竹博士、教授 / 博士生导师
办公电话: 010-64442621
电子邮箱: wusz@mail.buct.edu.cn
1982年9月 - 1987年7月中国科技大学高分子物理专业,获理学学士
1987年9月 - 1990年4月北京化工大学高分子材料专业, 获工学硕士
1999年5月 - 2002年11月香港理工大学制造工程学院,获博士学位
1990年4月 - 今北京化工大学助研、讲师、副研究员、副教授、教授
1995年4月 - 1995年11月香港理工大学助研
2004年7月 - 2004年9月美国辛辛那提大学访问学者
2007年3月 - 2007年5月美国辛辛那提大学访问学者
1. 分子模拟(全原子模拟法)对聚合物基复合材料的研究
2. 密封橡胶的寿命预测及老化研究
3. 聚合物复合材料的增强理论研究
4. 结晶聚合物的取向及模型研究
1. A study on Isoprene rubber microscopic sequence structure and properties of the crystal, Chinese Science: Chemistry, 2014 , 44 (1):1-7
2. A study on the relationship between polycarbonate microstructure and performance as determined by a combined experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulation, e-Polymers, DOI 10.1515/epoly-2014-0065
3. Microstructure and Dynamic Analyses of Hindered Phenol AO-80/Nitrile- Butadiene Rubber/Poly(vinyl chloride): Aproperties Molecular Simulation andExperimental Study, Macromol. Theory Simul, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/mats. 201400054
4. Effect of acrylonitrile content on compatibility and damping properties of hindered phenol AO-60/nitrile-butadiene rubber composites: molecular dynamics simulation, RSC Advances, 2014, 4:48472
5. Synthesis of fully bio-based polyamides with tunable properties by employing itaconic acid, Polymer, 2014, 55:4846-4856
6. The sequence of isoprene rubber structure and its relationship with crystallization properties, Synthetic Rubber Industry, 2014, 37(9) :368-372
7. Study on different varieties of green rubber filling oil impact emulsion SBR performance, Polymer Bulletin, 2014, 2:145-149
8. Different antioxidant of natural rubber composites P - V - T relationship of shadow, Journal of Polymer, 2014, 9:1201-1208
9. Molecular Simulation of Polycarbonate and Thermomechanical Analysis, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014(556-562):441-444
10. Synthesis and characterization of gadolinium doped cobalt ferritenanoparticles with enhanced adsorption capability for Congo Red, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 250:164-174
11. Rapid hydrothermal synthesis of magnetic CoxNi1 xFe2O4 nanoparticles and their application on removal of Congo red, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 242:226-233
12. Molecular dynamics simulations and microscopic analysis of the damping performance of hindered phenol AO-60/nitrile-butadiene rubber composites, RSC Adv, 2014, 4 :6719-6729
13. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Diffusion Behavior of Cyclohexane in Natural Rubber during Reclamation, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014,131(11): 40347-40353
14. A molecular dynamic simulation study on the thermal- oxidation aging behavior under different temperatures and pressures of nature rubber, Material Science and Environmental Engineering, 2013:369-372
15. The Effect of Sequence Structure of Polyisoprene on Its Crystallization and Reinforcement, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 815:201-204
16. Impact Resistance of Shear Thickening Fluid (STF)/Kevlar Composites for Body Armor Application, Advanced Materials Research, 2013:834-836
17. Situation shear thickening fluid materials research and its application in the human body protective equipment, China Plastic, 2013,9(27):1-5
18. Thermomechanical analysis of Poly (bisphenol-A carbonate) performance and molecular simulation, Advanced Materials Research, 2013,781-784:576-579
19. The preparation method of a kind of polyurethane energy absorption materials, 201310088223.3, 2013,3,19
20. Long glass fiber reinforced polypropylene thermoplastic composites prepared by wind and solar power generation system of wind blade mold design and injection molding, China Plastic, 2013,3:113-118
21. Study on the dynamic properties of nitrile-butadiene rubber/hindered phenol mixtures by molecular dynamics simulation, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(9):5200-5202
22. Study on structure characterization and molecular simulation and contrast research of molecular simulation and experiment of hydrogenated nitrile rubber with different degree of hydrogenation, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2013,34(4):1027-1032
23. Study on the Stress Relaxation of Polychloroprene Rubber by Molecular Dynamics Simulation at Different Temperature, Advanced Materials Research, 2012,532-533:312-315
24. Comparison between the preparation structure and mechanical properties of long fiber reinforced thermoplastics and short fiber reinforced thermoplastic, Engineering Sciences, 2012 ,10(6): 83-88
25. One kind of shear thickening fluid based on molecular colloid and its preparation method and USES, 201210459036.7, 2012,11,14
26. Conductive polymer applications in electronics and microwave techniques,
27. The New Material Industry, 2012,2:53-58
28. Fabrication of thermo-responsive hydrogels from star-shaped copolymer with a biocompatible b-cyclodextrin core, Polymer, 2012,1-7:3719-3725
29. Study on the structure and properties of novel impact resistance fabric composites, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012,182-183:153-157
30. Study on the Stress-induced Crystallization and the Constitutive Equation of Ethylene-Propylene Diene, Advanced Material Research, 2012,531:622-625
31. The research of relationship of Sealing rubber P - V – T, Journal of polymer, 2012,9:1015-1020
32. Synthesis and characterization of thermo-sensitive magnetite-Au nanocomposites, Materials Letters, 2012,78:166-169
33. The study of hydrogenated nitrile stress relaxation and molecular dynamics simulation under the condition of different pressure, Journal of Polymer, 2012,3:272-277
34. A combined experiment and molecular dynamics simulation study of hydrogen bonds and free volume in nitrile-butadiene rubber/hindered phenol damping mixtures, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012,22:12339-12348
35. Study on the Stress Relaxation of HNBR by Molecular Dynamics Simulation at Different Pressures,Acta Polymeric Sinica, 2013, Vol.3:272-277
36. Study on the Relationship between the Hydrogen Bond and Damping Properties of Nitrile-butadiene Rubber/Hindered Phenol Composites by Molecular Dynamics Simulation,Advanced Materials Research, 2011,410: 313-316
37. Study on the Electrospun CNTs/polyacrylonitrile-based Nanofiber Composites, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011
38. Advanced Stab Resistance fabrics utilizing shear thickening fluids, Advanced Material Research, 2011,299-300:73-76
39. Characterization and Analysis of Ethylene-Propylene Copolymers, Advanced Material Research, 2011,299-300: 43-46
40. Enhancing Crystallinity and Orientation by Hot-Stretching to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Electrospum Partially Aligned Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Nanocomposites, Materials, 2011,4(1):621-632
41. Stretching-Induced Crystallinity and Orientation to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Electrospun PAN Nanocomposites, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2010,31: 1726-1730
42. Novel Q1 percolation phenomena and mechanism of strengthening elastomers by nanofillers, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2010,12:1-17
43. Fe3O4@poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-graft-poly(ε-caprolactone) magnetic nanoparticles with branched brush polymeric shell, POLYMER, 2010,51:2540-2547
44. Study on the copolymers of their microstructure and the Performances by Molecular Simulation, ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH, 2010,(123-125): 587-590
45. Study on the structure and properties of conductive silicone rubber filled with nickel-coated graphite. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2010,115(5):2710-2717
46. Study on the Pressure-Volume-Temperature Properties of AO-80/NItirle Rubber Composites, Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2010, 25(3):282-288
47. Analysis of Thermal Kinetics for SEEPS Chemical Crosslinking, CURRENT PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 2010
48. Study on the gas permeabilities in styrene-butadiene rubber by molecular dynamics simulation, FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING IN CHINA, 2009,4(3): 257-262
49. Preparation and properties of a novel biodegradable polyester elastomer with functional groups, JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE: POLYMER EDITION, 2009, 0(0):1–12
50. Synthesis and characterization of multi-functional hybrid magnetite nanoparticles with biodegradability, superparamagnetism, and fluorescence, MATERIALS LETTERS, 2009,63: 1567-1570
51. Synthesis, Characterization, and controllable drug release of Ph-sensitive hybrid magnetic nanoparticles, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 2009,(321): 2799-2804
52. Effect of structural features and temperature on diffusion selectivity of O2 vs. N2 in ethylene-1-hexene copolymer. WORLD JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, 2009, 6(1): 97-99
53. Stretching-induced Orientation for Improving the Mechanical Properties of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofiber Sheet, ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH, 2008, 47-50:1169-1172
54. Stretching-induced Orientation for Improving the Mechanical Properties of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofiber Sheet, Advanced Materials Research, 2008,47-50 : 1169-1172
55. Compatibilization and Mechanical Properties of PET/PTT blends, China Plastics, 2008,5:20-24
56. Quantitative Characterization of the Orientation Structure of the Polyacrylonitrile Precursors, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, 2008,24(1): 75-78
57. Effects of Some Structural Features of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)on its Unusually High Gas Permeabilities, Journal of inorganic & Organometallic Polymers & Materials, 2008,18: 100-103
58. Some Simulations and Theoretical Studies on Poly(dimethylsiloxane), Polymer reviews, 2007,47(4): 463-485
59. Synthesis, Application and Research Development of the Novel Cyclic Butylene Terephthalate Oligomer, China Plastics, 2007,21(3): 1-4
60. Study on the microstructure and mechanical properties of PET and PET/PTT blends, Key Engineering Materials, 2007,340-341: 1085-1090
61. Dynamics of Polymeric Fluids Ⅱ The Molecular Theory of Die Swell- Correlation of Ultimate Die swelling Effect to Molecular Parameters and the Operational variables, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2006,22(5): 664-676
62. Characterization of orientation structure and mechanical properties of PAN-based carbon preoxidized yarn, China Synthetic Fiber Industry, 2006,29(5): 4-6
63. Orientation structure and mechanical properties of polyacrylonitrile precursors, Advanced Materials Research, 2006,11-12: 383-386
64. Team teaching of the course of “Polymer physics” based on the web-based platform, Higher Education of Sciences, 2006,(6): 87-90
65. Study on thermal decomposition of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/Mesopopous molecular sieve composites, Polymer Materials Science Engineering (Chinese), 2006,75(1): 64-67
66. Research of Polystyrene/MMS composite material, Polymer Materials Science Engineering (Chinese), 2006,75(1): 233-236
67. Dynamics of Polymeric Fluids 1. The Molecular Theory of Die Swell ~ A New Set of Equation on Swelling Ratio in Extrudates, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2006, 22(01): 93-107
68. Melting behaviors and isothermal crystallization kinetics of poly (ethylene terephthalate)/mesoporous molecular sieve composite, Polymer, 2005,46(14):5308-5316
69. Phase structure of mLLDPE/LDPE blends, Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Chinese), 2005,32: 51-54
70. Non-isothermal crystallization behavior of PET/molecular sieve composite, China Plastics Industry (Chinese), 2005,33(2): 48-50
71. Research on isothermal crystallization of PET/molecular sieve composites prepared by in-situ polymerization, China Synthetic Resin and Plastics (Chinese), 2005,22(3):50-53
72. Thermal analysis of the melting process of PTT using FTIR micro-spectroscopy, Polymer Materials Science Engineering (Chinese), 2005, 21(5): 224-227
73. Thermal analysis of the non-isothermal crystallization process of PTT using FTIR microspectroscopy, Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Chinese), 2005, 32(2): 50-54
74. Study on nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of PTT, China Synthetic Fiber Industry (Chinese), 2005,28(2): 17-20
75. The study on the orientation structure and the mechanical properties of the polyacrylonitrile precursors, Polymer for Advanced Technology, 2005,16: 1-4
76. Statistical Theory of Stable and Meta-stable Transition for Crystallization and Fusion of Homopolymers (IV) Statistical Dynamics of Polymeric Crystallization by Molecular Segregation~Division of Crystal Grow-rate Regimes and Their Temperature and Grown Mechanism Dependences, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (Chinese), 2005,18(3): 379-388
77. Statistical Theory of Stable and Meta-stable Transition for Crystallization and Fusion of Homopolymers V. Statistical Dynamics of polymeric Crystallization By Molecular Segregation ~ Dependence of Growth-Rate(G) for Crystals on the Grown Mechanism and Initial Structure of polymers, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (Chinese), 2005,18(4): 495-504
78. Ultrasonic synthesis of Mesoporous molecular sieve, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials ,2004,74(1): 37-47
79. Study on orientation structure and mechanical properties of polyacrylonitrile precursor, China Synthetic Fiber Industry (Chinese), 2004, 5: 1-3
80. Study on isothermal crystallization kinetics of a new polyester-PMT, New Chemical Materials (Chinese), 2004, 10: 37-39
81. Modeling of the Elastic Properties of Cold-rolled Polypropylene Sheets, Scripta Materialia, 2002, 46:587-592
82. Microstructure and Prediction of Stress-strain Behaviour of Cold-rolled PP Sheets, Inter. Polymer Processing, 2001: Volume XVI Issue 3 Sept:302-308
83. Orientation Relationship and Mechanical Properties of Rolled Polypropylene Sheets, Advances in Engineering Plasticity, 2000, PTS 1-2, 177-1: 357-362
84. Characterization of the Microstructure and Orientation Distribution in Rolled Polypropylene, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering (Chinese), 2000, 2(16): 62- 66
85. Structure and Properties of High-speed Spun Poly(ethylnen-2,6-naphthalate) Fibers, China Synthetic Fiber Industry (Chinese), 1999, 22(5): 29-33
86. High Modulus Low Shrinkage PET Fiber Prepared with Thread-line Modification Process, China Synthetic Fiber Industry (Chinese), 1999, 22(1): 5-8
87. Characterization of the Orientation Structure and Distribution in Rolled Polypropylene, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1996, 5 (5): 637-645
88. Rheological Behavior of Polymer Melts 1. Unified Molecular Theory of Non-linear Viscoelasticity with Constraints of Gaussian Chain Entanglement for Polymer Melts, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1996, 4(1): 49-61
89. Rheological Behavior of Polymer Melts 2. Multiple Entanglement Model for Predicting the Dependence of Viscoelastic Behavior on Deformation State and Primary Molecular Weights and their Distribution, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (Chinese), 1996, 4(2): 125-140
90. Study on the Rheological Behavior for Polymer Melts and Concentrated solutions 1. The Theory of Non-linear Viscoelasticity with Gaussian Chain Constraints in Entangled Polymer Melts, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering (Chinese), 1996, 12(1):12-18
91. Study on the Theological Behavior for Polymer Melts and Concentrated solutions 2. The Material functions with Gaussian Chain Constraints and a New Method for determination of their parameters from Flow Curves, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering (Chinese), 1996, 12(4): 20-25
92. Rheological Behavior for Polymer Melts and Concentrated-Solutions 1. A New Multiple Reptation Model to Predict the Nonlinear Viscoelasticity with Nagai Chain Constraints in Entangled Polymer Melts, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 1995, 11(1): 15-30
93. Rheological Behavior for Polymer Melts and Concentrated-Solutions 2. Material Function with Nagai chain Constraints and Determination of their Parameters from Flow Curves, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 1995, 11 (2): 141-152
94. Study on the Rheological Behavior for Polymer Melts and Concentrated solutions 1. The Molecular Theory of Non-linear Viscoelasticity with Nagai Chain Constraints in Entangled Polymer Melts, Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Chinese), 1995, 22(4): 27-40
95. A Theory of Stress-Induced Crystallization for Crystallizable Vulcanized Rubber, Chinese Rubber Industry (Chinese), 1993, 9(40): 539-550
96. A Kinetic Theory of Stress-Induced Crystallization for Crosslinked Polymeric Networks, Polymer Networks and Blends, 1991, 1(4): 199-208
97. A Thermodynamic Theory of Stress-Induced Crystallization for Crosslinked Polymer Networks, Polymer Networks and Blends, 1991, 1(4): 137-151